Open Bionics Foundation | Funding advanced bionic arms for people with upper limb differences

The Future In Their Hands

Funding Hero ArmsTM

The Open Bionics Foundation works alongside people with a limb difference who are looking to access an Open Bionics Hero Arm. We understand that funding can be a challenge and will look to support you where possible.

Photo of Person with Two Hero Arms in Pink with Diamantes

Let's See If We Can Help

Meet the Team

All our Trustees are volunteers and are fully committed to providing access to these high-quality prosthetics for all.

Trustee Dan, stands with his black Hero Arm, arms folded
Trustee, Bev, waves at the screen with her black Hero Arm
Josie, Trustee at the Open Bionics Foundation stands arms folded outside a building in this picture.
Jane from Open Bionics

Meet The hero arm

Turning Disabilities Into Super Powers

Electrical signals from muscles in the body [myolectrics] allow users to control the prosthesis without using their remaining limb, making the completion of tasks requiring two hands infinitely easier. Progress in robotics, programming and the miniaturisation of technology allows for more data to be stored in a smaller space.

TheĀ Hero Arm, for example, has a number of preset hand movements built in and can swap seamlessly between them. Depending on the task at hand (pun intended) the user wants to complete, the functionality of the Hero Arm can be tailored to individual tasks by choosing the right grip type for the job. Instead of having one tool for the job and working around it like the hook, modern prosthetic arms offer a number of different tools and functions to help support the user in their activity.Ā 

How We Can Help

If You Need Support, Get In Touch To See If We Can Help

If youā€™re an upper limb amputee or a person with a below-elbow upper limb difference, you can apply for funding towards your Hero Arm TM today.

Your application will be reviewed by our Board of Trustees, and youā€™ll hear a decision from us within 3 months.

The Worshipful Company of Glovers of London Crest

How We Can Help

We Receive 100% of Your Donation

We simply couldn’t support limb different people without your support. Every penny of your donation goes to the Open Bionics Foundation, supporting the work we do throughout the UK.

A big thank you to our donors, the Worshipful Company of Glovers of London (pictured). It all started when they reached out to see if they could support us, since then they’ve supported ten people in acquiring Hero Armsā„¢.

What Is Open Bionics

If You Need Support, Get In Touch To See If We Can Help

The Open Bionics Foundation is the charity which works alongside and supports the Company Open Bionics Ltd.

Joel Gibbard and Samantha Payne co-founded Open Bionics in 2014, with the goal of developing affordable, assistive devices that enhance the human body.

Joel and Samantha were both awarded an MBE in 2020 for their work democratising prosthetic technology for amputees and those with a congenital limb difference all around the world.

"The Open Bionics Foundation have been a great support in helping Caitlin reach her goal of joining the Bionics Squad. They offered invaluable support in setting up her GoFundMe page to enable us to raise the funds for her Hero Arm. We can't thank you enough for the help in changing Caitlin's life."

Maria & Terry
    Maria & Terry

    Caitlin's Mum and Dad

    Without the support of the Open Bionics Foundation I would not have my bionic arm that helps me everyday at work. Before I had my Hero arm I didn't know what I was missing out on, now I wouldn't want to go back. I hope one day that everyone who wants one can have access to one, and without The Open Bionics Foundation supporting people that might not be possible.

    Callum L
      Callum L

      Hero Arm Recipient

      "Having my hero arm has opened up a vast array of opportunities that just weren't possible before, I am now able to use both a knife and fork as well as carry multiple items rather than just one thing at a time. Although I could ride my bike before it does help with stability. Without the support and funding from the open bionics foundation it wouldn't have been possible for me to get the hero arm as we wouldn't have been able to afford it so we are extremely grateful."


        Hero Arm Recipient

        'There are no words that can measure the impact Open Bionics Foundation has had on so many lives of adults and children who live with limb differences. They have by far opened up a new horizon and have made such a difference to the quality of lives of so many. When we were chosen by OBF as a Big Hero 3 candidate we felt so blessed and grateful. It has meant our daughter has the chance to have her very own Bionic arm which we have wanted for her for so long but could never have afforded it by ourselves. Through the help and support of Open Bionic Foundation our daughter now can finally make her dream a reality and we are ever so grateful to the Big Hero 3 campaign and Open Bionics Foundation! None of this would be possible without them so thank you Open Bionics and The Open Bionics Foundation!"

        Shelenaz and Burhan
          Shelenaz and Burhan

          Safiyyahā€™s Parents

          Thalia says ā€œHaving my Hero Arm has helped me do things that I struggled with before, like cutting up food and using two hands to carry or hold thingsā€. If it wasnā€™t for all the fundraising help we received for Thalia, we would not have been able to provide her with such life changing equipment. We couldnā€™t be more thankful to everyone involved in making it possible.


            Thalia's Mum

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